Fox Jokes
Q: What do you call a fox with a carrot in each ear?
A: Anything you want as he can't hear you!
Q: What did the grape say when the fox stood on it?
A: Nothing, it just let out a little wine!
Q: Why did the fox cross the road?
A: To prove to the possum that it could be done!
Q: When does a fox go "moo"?
A: When it is learning a new language!
Q: Did you hear about the veterinarian who learned to talk with foxes?
A: She was crazy like a fox.
Q: When do you have to dance like a fox?
A: When your doing the fox trot.
Q: How do you become the coach of the Chicago Bears?
A: Be sly as a Fox.
Q: What do you call a fox that can pick up an elephant?
A: Sir!
Q: Did you hear about the shapeshifter that met Medusa?
A: She's now a stone cold fox.
See more: Funny animal jokes